The One-Two Punch of Great Copywriting

The one-two punch of great copywriting is: first, state the problem, then straight right offer a solution. 

For example, your website conversion rate is low and as a result, your website's revenue is low. The solution is by optimising your website for higher conversion, you can increase your conversion rate and thus increase your revenue. 

When you state the problem, the customer is thinking “Oh they understand me, they're on the same wavelength as me, they get my issue” and when you state the solution, their brain is thinking that you've already resolved their problem. Their brain moves into relieved, problem-solved mode. 

Achieving a sense of closure with your customer is key to solving their problem. Customers want to feel like you understand them, they want to be heard, and they need to know that their problem is resolved. 

The brain's process for solving problems is always working in the background, whether we are aware of it or not. It's important to understand that when the brain is working on a problem, it will try to solve the issue. The more time we spend thinking about an unanswered question, the faster our brains work to find a solution. 

Depending on how much information you provide your customer and what stage of this process they are in determines whether their mind moves into “I’ve got this” mode or “what now?” mode. 

Your customer will think, "what will happen if I don't get that? I'll continue feeling the same way I do now, with no relief. In fact, not getting what I want will only make me feel worse. I don't want to wait any longer, I want to get it now." 

This is where the fear of missing out (FOMO) comes in or even loss aversion in your customer's brain because they'll think that if they don't get that they're not going to feel a sense of relief. 

Missing out on a purchase can also trigger regret, which is another powerful emotion that affects buying decisions. In fact, one study found that people were more likely to buy something if they thought it would reduce the chances of experiencing regret in the future. So not only do you need to focus on relieving your customers' fears, but you also need to focus on reducing their regrets. 


Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to sell your product, or a digital marketer trying to generate more leads for your company, understanding the psychology of persuasion can help. The one-two punch of great copywriting is stating the problem and straight right offering the solution. If you can do this, then your audience will be more likely to want what you're selling. 

This post has given you some tips on how to do both so that when someone reads it they think "I have this issue" then “this person is going to show me how I can fix it." Isn't that amazing?